

Welcome to my publications page. Books are available to purchase in both PDF format and hard copy.

Beating Cancer

At some stage in my life I contracted cancer, that was classed as terminal. This book describes my journey and how I got over it. The book can be downloaded for free in .pdf format at it was never meant to earn money, the book has been written to assist people who are finding themselves in a similar situation. A hard copy can be bought, I do need to cover the cost of printing and posting

Spiritual Development

At some stage in my life I started collecting spiritual wisdom, and this book contain what I collected. I see this small book as a guide for people who start consciously on the spiritual path. The system follows the concept of Sant Mat Yoga but it applies in my view to all that follow the path. The book can be downloaded for free but if you want a hard copy I need to get paid for printing and postage.
The story starts with the introduction of a female lion, Bahty, who is guided by her feelings, and these feelings are not accepted in the lion pride. Rather than conforming to the culture of the pride, Bahty accepts that she has to leave the pride to follow her own intuition.  Initially Bahty is very upset about the non-acceptance, and blames everything that comes in her way. However, on her journey of learning she meets various other animals. Some of these meetings do not go well for these animals, but all of these animals provide small pieces of learning for Bahty, which eventually leads Bahty to accept that the world is not wrong, it is her way of living that has caused her troubles she has.  We see Bahty going from a phase of anger with the world, to a phase of acceptance of her destiny. Bahty learns to accept who she is, and more importantly, she learns to accept the foibles of other animals. Towards the end, Bahty becomes wise and finds that lions and even other animals come to her for advice. 


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